Friday, December 13, 2013

Weekly Bulletin


November 17 Sun. 11:00 AM – Parish
November 19 Tues. 8:00 AM – Mary & Richard Reis
November 21 Thurs. 8:00 AM – Con J. & Louise O’Leary

Catastrophes, disasters, wars, insurrections, etc. are not signs of the end of the world, but of how far we actually are from the end. We hasten the end not by being fearful of these events, but by being faithful to Jesus’ work of establishing God’s kingdom. Preaching, teaching, and living in Jesus’ name is the one sure way of discipleship that hastens Jesus’ Second Coming and secures for us eternal life.

· To prepare for Christ’s Second Coming means to me . . .
· What enables me to persevere in my witness of Jesus is . . .
· I experience the presence of God’s kingdom and the hastening of the end times when . . .
~Reprinted with permission of Liturgical Press from: Living Liturgy

PRAYERS: Please keep Carol Schweiger, Beth Hopper, Bob & Dorothy Porter, Marie Panyko, Vicky Cooper, Sharon Cheeseman, Carolyn Franklin, Elwood Mann, Loren, Andrew Michael Rigler, Bryan Riley, Ashley Niesolowski, Julia Gosser, Betty Crail (Julie Beckmann’s mother), Henrietta Stenken, Chelsea Powell, Amanda Marzec, Sherri Lynn Riley, Georgia (Coleman) Grooms, Charlene Sobi, Teresa, Colin Wolford, and Kelley M. (Skipper) Diatikar in your prayers. Cards would be appreciated as well.

RITUAL TO BE FOLLOWED AT COMMUNION: Please stand as soon as we finish saying “Lord I am not worthy . . .” Remain standing until the last person receives the cup. You may then kneel or sit.

CONGRATULATIONS: to Richard & Marti Sheffel who are celebrating their 40th Wedding Anniversary today.

SPECIAL COLLECTION FOR PHILIPPINE DISASTER: will be taken up today. Please make checks out to Holy Spirit and one check will be forwarded to Catholic Charities.


CONFESSIONS: on Thursday at 7:30 AM.

LINDA RILEY’S WOMEN’S DISCUSSION GROUP: will meet this Thursday Nov. 21 at 1 PM in the Fellowship Hall. The topic is”Atonement for Privileges” pp. 62-63. All women of the parish are invited.

SECOND COLLECTION FOR CATHOLIC CAMPAIGN FOR HUMAN DEVELOPMENT (CCHD): will be taken up next Sunday Nov. 24. CCHD was founded to end the cycle of poverty in America by funding organizations that help individuals help themselves. With a tradition of improving education, housing, and community economic development, CCHD continues to make a positive impact in communities nationwide. Defend human dignity and help take poverty off the map through your generous contribution.

COMMUNITY THANKSGIVING SERVICE: will be on Tuesday Nov. 26 at 6:30 PM at Russell Springs First Baptist Church. Please come and join your neighbors in song, praise, and thanksgiving. Fellowship will be provided by the host church. All are asked to bring canned goods for God’s Food Pantry.

BOOK OF THE DEAD: is up front by the tabernacle. Please feel free to sign the names of your deceased loved ones all during November.

CATHOLIC SERVICES APPEAL: Our parish goal is $3,800. So far pledges and gifts total $2,201, a little over half way there. If anyone has not received a letter from the Archdiocese regarding the Catholic Services Appeal there are extra envelopes and literature at the entrance to church. All are to send in contributions directly to the archdiocese.

THE THRIFT STORE: is in need of volunteers to sort articles &/or to be a cashier. Please contact Trish Whelan at 343- 3537.

Nov. 17: Stoney McCoy; Nov. 18: Dot Cody, Nayeli Prudente; Nov. 19: John Babcock; Nov. 20: Debbie Janes; Nov. 21: Davy Alega, Wayne Skipper
For Nov. 17: Lectors: Sr. Marian Eucharistic Ministers: Jerry Coleman Gifts: Grades 5-8 Betty Coleman Ted & Julie Beckmann

COLLECTION: November 10: $1,015.00 Military Services: $141.55
(It would be greatly appreciated if you could make up your contribution when you are away or unable to attend.)